Assume A = time, B = frequency and C = intensity.
Doing 2D plot should be possible.

Best regards,


On Wednesday, 21 October 2009 18:43:54 UTC+3, kcrisman wrote:
> Dear Sami, 
> Unfortunately, your request is somewhat vague.  In general, it is not 
> possible to visualize the graph of a function of three variables, 
> though one could do level surfaces with some sort of implicit plot, 
> e.g. 
> sage: var('A,B,C') 
> (A, B, C) 
> sage: implicit_plot3d(sin(A)*cos(B)+sin(B)*cos(C)+sin(C)*cos(A), 
> (A,-2*pi,2*pi),(B,-2*pi,2*pi),(C,-2*pi,2*pi)) # level surface for zero 
> sage: implicit_plot3d?sage: implicit_plot3d(sin(A)*cos(B)+sin(B)*cos(C) 
> +sin(C)*cos(A),(A,-2*pi,2*pi),(B,-2*pi,2*pi),(C,-2*pi,2*pi),contour= 
> [-1,0,1]) # several level surfaces 
> I hope this helps! 
> - kcrisman 
> PS to others: It does not appear that having multiple level surfaces 
> colored differently is currently supported.  Does someone else have an 
> idea (keyword cmap didn't work)? 
> On Oct 21, 6:53 am, "Sami*" <> wrote: 
> > How can you plot the following function? 
> > 
> > sinAcosB + sinBcosC + sinCcosA

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