Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!

> Edge coloring multigraphs raises exception

Ahahaha. That's possible.

> sage: 
> P=graphs.PetersenGraph();ep=P.edges(labels=0);P2=Graph(ep+ep,multiedges=1)
> sage: graph_coloring.edge_coloring(P2,value_only=1)
> 7 # not sure this is correct

It most probably isn't. Really, most of Sage's graph functions are
written without multigraphs in mind. I hate those things. Implementing
something for multigraphs instead of graphs just makes you add mostly
useless code (which, besides, is a pure loss of computational time for
normal graphs), and does not add anything interesting to the

Actually, it's pretty clear from the documentation that edge coloring
has not been thought for multigraphs, as one of the parameters is
"vizing", and Vizing's theorem does not apply to multigraphs :-P

> sage: graph_coloring.edge_coloring(P2,value_only=0)
> RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
> How to get explicit edge coloring of multigraph?

Well, I would say "compute their line graph, and the chromatic numbers
of those". Which is what you do next :

> In addition the line graphs of P and P2 are isomorphic:
> sage: Pl=P.line_graph();P2l=P2.line_graph();Pl.is_isomorphic(P2l)
> True
> sage: Pl==P2l
> True
> sage: P2.degree()
> [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]

Oh. Right. Same explanation there I guess. Though it looks like the
function works if you have different labels on your different edges.

Now, for the fix : I personally cannot care less about multigraphs,
and I actually don't like the fact that making these functions return
meaningful results on normal graps will make all computations slower
on normal graphs, wit no value added. Besides, the code will be
longer, and unclear because it will be polluted with things which have
nothing to do with the smart part of the algorithm itself. I mean,
just think of a shortest path algorithm on a multigraph !

I would personally sleep better if I just added a exception to all
those functions, saying that "You gave an multigraph as input, and
this function has not been checked to work for multigraphs". Which
would mean that you wouldn't be able to use any of those functions
which multigraphs, which is fair as we expect them to return wrong
This being said, if you need this feature and if you are willing to
help it's a different story. It's pretty hard to have patches reviewed
in Sage these days, and unless the patches are reviewed I would just
be working to make your own code work, to only see my work being
forgotten on our trac server, never merged into Sage. Soooooooo well.
What do you think ? :-P

As fun as it is to implement graph algorithms in Sage, really
multigraphs are nothing but pain and boring bugs. And waste of
computational time :-P

See youuuuuuu !


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