On Thursday, December 5, 2013 6:04:45 AM UTC-5, Andrew wrote:
> On Thursday, 5 December 2013 10:35:00 UTC+1, Daniel Krenn wrote:
>> Am 2013-12-05 09:30, schrieb Andrew: 
>> Thanks, but as I wrote, I want a symbolic solution. 
>> In particular, I wonder how I get the solution 0. 
>> Sorry, I'm confused. Since you mentioned finding 0 as a particular 
> (numeric) solution I thought that this was what you wanted. Apologies if I 
> am missing something obvious, but I don't understand how a symbolic 
> solution can include zero. 
> Is this what you want:
> sage: f=x^2-16*sin(x)
> sage: f.solve(x)
> [x == -4*sqrt(sin(x)), x == 4*sqrt(sin(x))]
Presumably Maxima can't handle this one.  Did you try the `to_poly_solve` 

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