On 11/26/2013 04:59 PM, Vincent Knight wrote:
Thanks P,

I have that setup as you suggested but I'm not entirely sure the sage
users are being limited (I seemed to be able to go over the limit):


import os

in the notebook returns:


Assuming the username running Sage is 'vince' (it's not but I'm not sure
what info is safe to put out there) I have typed (just copying what you
had, at the top of the sage file just after comments about the license):

if [ "${vince/sage}" != "$vince" ]; then
     # put a limit per user of 1.5G; you can change the other limits too.
     # 3D plots might need more than 1G iirc, otherwise for light
     # computation 1-1.2G should be ok.
     ulimit -u 100 -t 3600 -v 1500000

Oh no! $USER is an environment variable. When you use server_pool, your ssh command is logging in as sage_ where _ is a number between 0 and 99. Depending on the number being used, USER will automatically take that value. Use the "if" line exactly as I have written and it will work fine. :-)


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