It seems like your code is mostly doing easy integer operations in tight 
for loops (although in your case the for loop is hidden in v.apply_map). If 
you care about performance in such cases, then you should not use python, 
but cython. Because everything you do in python has a small overhead, and 
normally this doesn't matter because the overhead is relatively small to 
the actual running time of the function. But when doing arithmetic 
operations with integers, this overhead is often much and much bigger then 
the actual running time. The typical solution for this is using cython 
code. For a nice introduction to what cython is and how to use it in sage 
you can read:

and of course there is the more technical documentation in the developers 

Le mercredi 20 novembre 2013 11:02:59 UTC+1, Felix Breuer a écrit :
> Hi all!
> I have a large collection (~50,000) of integer vectors in low dimension 
> (~20). For each of these vectors, I want to divide all entries by their 
> gcd. In other words if
> def prim_v(v):
>     d = abs(gcd(v))
>     return v.apply_map(lambda vi: vi.divide_knowing_divisible_by(d))
> then I want to compute map(prim_v, V) for a long list V. When trying to 
> profile this using %prun, I found it difficult to tell which part of this 
> computation is taking the most time. So I rewrote this as
> def foo(v,d):
>     return v.divide_knowing_divisible_by(d)
> def bar(v):
>     return abs(gcd(v))
> def prim_v(v):
>     d = bar(v)
>     return v.apply_map(lambda vi: foo(vi,d))
> Then, profiling this with %prun yields the following information.
>  ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall  filename:lineno(function)
>   47802   0.119   0.000  13.811   0.000
>   47802   0.116   0.000   3.593   0.000
>  859898   0.360   0.000   0.524   0.000
> If I am reading this correctly, this means that most of the time (~10 
> seconds) is not spent doing the actual computation (using foo and bar) but 
> simply creating vectors and read/writing values to/from vectors (in 
> apply_map). (Do something like return vector((foo(vi,d) for vi in v)) instead 
> of apply_map does not make much a difference.) 
> Now, my questions are:
> 1) Why is this so slow? Am I missing something here?
> 2) Is there anything I can do to improve performance?
> Thank you very much,
> Felix

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