Hi Georgi,

On 2013-11-15, Georgi Guninski <gunin...@guninski.com> wrote:
> Everyone knows sage has no bugs.

OMG, this means I lost my main occupation!

> Appears to me the following program should use
> O(1) memory.
> Watching memory usage in top(1), the proggie uses
> 3GB ram in less than a minute and memory usage
> increases constantly.

There is supposed to be a slow increase, because the memory consumption
of IntegerModRing(n**2) depends on the size of n, if I am not mistaken.

However, it seems that you are right, there is a leak. Even with the git
branch of trac ticket #15367 (that is supposed to fix some memory leak),
I obtain:

 sage: def wief():
 ....:     n=2
 ....:     while n<10**20:
 ....:         K=IntegerModRing(n**2)
 ....:         if K(2)**(n-1)==1:
 ....:             print n
 ....:         print n, get_memory_usage()
 ....:         n += 1
 sage: get_memory_usage()
 sage: import gc
 sage: _ = gc.collect()
 sage: len(gc.get_objects())
 sage: wief()
 60275 563.58203125
 KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
 sage: _ = gc.collect()
 sage: len(gc.get_objects())

> While I am still using sage, is there a workaround
> for this ``feature''?

If you do not do computations in your function "wief", but only create
the IntegerModRing, then the memory consumption is rather steady. Hence,
the fact that the memory consumption increases when doing computations
indicates that Sage's coercion framework is responsible for the leak.

Do you have a trac account? Then please create a ticket and put me as
Cc. Otherwise I'll open a ticket myself.

As a work-around, try this (I tested vanilla sage-5.13.beta2):

 sage: import gc
 sage: _ = gc.collect()
 sage: len(gc.get_objects())
 sage: def wief():
 ....:     n=2
 ....:     while n<10**20:
 ....:         K=IntegerModRing(n**2)
 ....:         if K(2)**(n-1)==K.one():
 ....:             print n
 ....:         print n, get_memory_usage()
 ....:         n += 1
 # <Ctrl-C> after more than 300,000 rounds
 sage: _ = gc.collect()
 sage: len(gc.get_objects())

The difference is as follows: If you compare an element of K with the
integer "1", then Sage needs to compute a homomorphism from ZZ to K.
This homomorphism is cached for later use. We try to make the caching
that does not prevent unused rings from garbage collection. But it seems
you've hit an example where Sage fails.

With the new version of the function, the memory consumption first
increases and then remains steady even for n>300,000.

Best regards,

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