On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 at 12:40PM -0700, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> I already reported problems with sagetex (version 5.10). Perusing the 
> sage-support archive hinted at possible problems due to deficient 
> installation with a semi-broken gcc (I'm usind Debian testing?
> So I bit the bullet and recompiled another Sage with SAGE_INSTALL_GCC=yes. 
> This was successful, but I ran into another problem with sagetex.

I haven't looked carefully at your TeX stuff yet, but it's very, very
unlikely that gcc is to blame for anything related to SageTeX. If
there's a problem, it's almost always with TeX or at the Python level in


---  Dan Drake
-----  www.math.wisc.edu/~ddrake/

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