On Friday, May 24, 2013 1:26:52 AM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Friday, 24 May 2013 07:47:40 UTC+8, jcjorgec...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I just installed Sage 5.9 on a computer running Windows (VirtualBox). But 
>> could not make it run with Texmaker.
>> I'm trying to run the "Examples of embedding Sage in LaTeX...", so I 
>> presume that the LaTeX code is correct. The problem must be in the 
>> communication between Texmaker and Sage operating on VirtualBox. 
>> So I'd like to try 2 things first:
>> 1-) Make sure that Texmaker is calling Sage on the shell. Is it different 
>> than calling a standart.exe?
> this is very different, if possible at all. Sage is running inside 
> VirtualBox; from point of view of WIndows, it does not exist as a separate 
> program, it is some subprocess of VirtualBox (or even a subsubprocess, as 
> from the point of view of VirtualBox it is a subprocess running on Linux, 
> which is run inside VirtualBox.)

Isn't possible to integrate on my environment then?

>> 2-) The code is compiling using an outdated sagetex.sty. Alas, I could 
>> not download the one from sage to my local files. Is it possible to do this 
>> operating from VirtualBox?
>> it is certainly possible to exchange files between the guest OS running 
> in VirtualBox and Windows. It's not really Sage-specific.
> By the way, you can also pick up an up to date copy of  sagetex.sty on 
> the net.

Thank you. I got around this by sharing a local file with virtualbox and 
then saving the file on such folder. But it seems that if I don't get 
around issue #1, it'll not be of much use though

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