On Wed, 24 Apr 2013 at 06:09PM +0400, LRN wrote:
> So, i can do things like:
> M = units.length.meter
> S = units.time.second
> speed = 2 * M/S
> speed
> and get:
> 2*meter/second
> or (in typesetting mode):
> \frac{2 \, \mbox{meter}}{\mbox{second}}
> I have three problems with this.

I would recommend trying to use the LaTeX package SIunitx [1], which
works very hard to typeset units properly and supports localization. I
haven't thought of a nice way to get that to interact with SageTeX --
I've always just taken the number and used SIunitx to add the units.

I'd like to see units typeset themselves with SIunitx, but I'm not sure
how that would work with the notebook and MathJax.


[1]  http://ctan.org/pkg/siunitx

---  Dan Drake
-----  http://math.pugetsound.edu/~ddrake

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