On Tue, 23 Apr 2013 at 02:15PM +0400, LRN wrote:
> If you typeset it (i'm using XeLaTeX and SageTeX), you'll see that png
> files are upscaled (badly, i might add). Turns out - they lack DPI
> information. If you typeset it (completely, with XeLaTex+Sage+XeLaTeX
> dance) once, then open up the png file it produces and change its DPI
> metadata (in Gimp - Image->Print size...) to 300ppi, save it, then
> typeset it again (without running Sage to re-generate the image this
> time), it would render correctly on a page.
> In the attached file i'm using width=4.2cm to do the same thing
> indirectly, to demonstrate how the image should look, but that's
> inconvenient (you have to do the math yourself and specify correct
> width and figsize (if needed) separately).

The 3D plot handling has never been very good; it's harder to work with
PNG files from TeX than vector formats such as EPS or PDF. And with so
many options for the graphics commands, it's hard to come up with
defaults that will make users happy while still allowing some people to
fiddle with them. The rendering, I think, is by Tachyon, not matplotlib.

> P.S. Note that i have to specify [png] when invoking sageplot,
> otherwise SageTeX will fall back to png, but then claim that png is
> unsupported (bullshit)

SageTeX uses the ifpdf package to detect PDF output; that message is
printed whenever \ifpdf is false. But that package doesn't work with
XeLaTeX. I can add in a check for that.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://math.pugetsound.edu/~ddrake

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