On Friday, February 22, 2013 10:05:09 AM UTC-5, Nathan Carter wrote:
> I am having similar problems to the original poster, but the suggestion 
> that worked for him did not work for me.  To be specific, I have this setup:
>    1. Sage app for Mac in /Applications/Sage-5.3-OSX-64bit-10.6.app/.
>    2. Created symlink ~/Library/texmf/tex/sage_generic -> 
> /Applications/Sage-5.3-OSX-64bit-10.6.app/Contents/Resources/sage/local/share/texmf/tex/generic.
>     (Although this wasn't exactly the recommended way to do it, it seems to 
>    work fine; LaTeX can find the .sty file successfully.)
>    3. Pasted exact duplicate of example LaTeX document from 
>    http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/sagetex.html into a new .tex file 
>    and saved it as sagetex_test.tex.
>    4. Followed directions from 
> http://www.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/sagetex/sagetexpackage.pdfto
>  activate TeXShop Sage engine and change its internal path to point to 
>    the sage inside the app bundle.
>    5. Added appropriate line to the top of my LaTeX file (%!TEX 
>    TS-program = sage).
>    6. Whether I run with the TeXShop engine (which indeed runs sage on 
>    the .sage file) or do it manually (just LaTeX the file within TeXShop, 
> then 
>    run sage from Terminal myself) I get the same error as the original 
> poster, AttributeError: 
>    'module' object has no attribute 'openout'.
>    7. I have followed Dan's suggestion to the original poster; I ran 
>    /Applications/Sage-....app/Contents/Resources/sage/sage -i sagetex-2.1.1 
>    and it installed successfully.  However, I realize that there is a newer 
>    version since 2009 (this thread's date) but I don't know what it is.  I 
>    tried Google, which suggested 2.3.1, but sage said "Error: could not find 
> a 
>    package matching sagetex-2.3.1 in http://www.sagemath.org/packages.";
> Any tips are welcome--thanks!
The current package is sagetex-2.3.3.p2.spkg

However, in your case, with an older Sage, it might be problematic to 
upgrade - Dan, any suggestions?

Honestly, I'd just download the 5.6 app bundle and then link that sty file 
in :-) 

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