On 1/24/13 1:37 PM, William Stein wrote:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
On 1/23/13 10:35 AM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:

Think of the load sagenb.org can hold (it's a single machine, you
surely it can handle many hundreds of users doing
things at the same time.

I think there are usually not more than 200 simultaneous worksheets.

Here's the load right now, and it is "more than 200"...

sagenb@mod:~/servers$ ./admin --status
Name                   pid      worksheets
480                  17703               2
alpha                17070               7
aws                  16735               0
csudh                16795               0
demo             (stopped)       (stopped)
demo2                16630               1
flask                24340               2
hood                 16020               0
nscc                  1127               0
nt                   17435               3
prep                  1232               0
pvamu                16684               0
reed                 17366               0
sagenb                2324             112
sfa                  17014              51
standalone           16371               0
test                 16956              47
tutorial               903               0
uci                  15677               4
uni                  16844               1
uw                   17131               1
whitman              16895               1

I should have said "active simultaneous worksheets". Remember that we have this weird bug that somewhere that causes sessions to hang around in the process table, so the numbers above are probably inflated (compared to active users). I was basing my 'under 200' on what I remember from looking at the google analytics pages. Right now, on Google Analytics, it says we have 15 visitors on *.sagenb.org.

So maybe it's fair to say we have between 15 and 250 users right now.





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