Input really must be positive definite, not just definite with any sign.
Function: qflllgram Section: linear_algebra C-Name: qflllgram0 Prototype: GD0,L, Help: qflllgram(G,{flag=0}): LLL reduction of the lattice whose gram matrix is G (gives the unimodular transformation matrix). flag is optional and can be 0: default,1: assumes x is integral, 4: assumes x is integral, returns [K,T], where K is the integer kernel of x and T the LLL reduced image, 5: same as 4 but x may have polynomial coefficients, 8: same as 0 but x may have polynomial coefficients. Doc: same as \kbd{qflll}, except that the matrix $G = \kbd{x\til * x}$ is the Gram matrix of some lattice vectors $x$, and not the coordinates of the vectors themselves. In particular, $G$ must now be a square symmetric real matrix, corresponding to a positive quadratic form (not necessarily definite: $x$ needs not have maximal rank). The result is a unimodular transformation matrix $T$ such that $x \cdot T$ is an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice generated by the column vectors of $x$. See \tet{qflll} for further details about the LLL implementation. If $\fl=0$ (default), assume that $G$ has either exact (integral or rational) or real floating point entries. The matrix is rescaled, converted to integers and the behavior is then as in $\fl = 1$. If $\fl=1$, assume that $G$ is integral. Computations involving Gram-Schmidt vectors are approximate, with precision varying as needed (Lehmer's trick, as generalized by Schnorr). Adapted from Nguyen and Stehl\'e's algorithm and Stehl\'e's code (\kbd{fplll-1.3}). $\fl=4$: $G$ has integer entries, gives the kernel and reduced image of $x$. $\fl=5$: same as $4$, but $G$ may have polynomial coefficients. Variant: Also available are \fun{GEN}{lllgram}{GEN G} ($\fl=0$), \fun{GEN}{lllgramint}{GEN G} ($\fl=1$), and \fun{GEN}{lllgramkerim}{GEN G} ($\fl=4$). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Visit this group at