This happens on my self-compiled Sage 5.5 installation on Debian wheezy 64 bits :
| Sage Version 5.5, Release Date: 2012-12-22 | I tried to follow the README's recommendation : ---------------------------------- Begin quote ---------------------------------- 9. OPTIONAL: It is highly recommended that you install the optional GAP database by typing: ./sage --optional ----------------------------------- End quote ----------------------------------- sage@fauchard:~$ sage -i database_gap-4.5.7 Attempting to download package database_gap-4.5.7 >>> Checking online list of optional packages. [.] >>> Found database_gap-4.5.7 >>> Downloading database_gap-4.5.7.spkg. [............................................................] database_gap-4.5.7 ==================================================== Extracting package /home/sage/sage-5.5/spkg/optional/database_gap-4.5.7.spkg -rw-r--r-- 1 sage sage 59654144 déc. 30 21:38 /home/sage/sage-5.5/spkg/optional/database_gap-4.5.7.spkg tar: On saute à l'en-tête suivant tar: Arrêt avec code d'échec à cause des erreurs précédentes Error: failed to extract /home/sage/sage-5.5/spkg/optional/database_gap-4.5.7.spkg A second attempt gives exactly the same result (modulo downloading). I see no intelligent action to take now. If some wiser soul can suggest a stupid one ... HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-support" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Visit this group at