On Monday, December 17, 2012 8:40:18 AM UTC-8, Greg Minshall wrote:
> Ivan,
> yes, downloading and installing the two patches for trac_11795 and then 
> configuring appropriately seems to work for DVI, PDF, and PNG.  (in case it 
> isn't obvious, i'm a sage newbie, so i'm not sure how to get sage to 
> display an html file, assuming the 'browser' entry is supposed to display 
> html.)

sage: tutorial()

should open up the tutorial in a browser, and it should use the settings in 
the patch for #11795.

> a couple of comments about the patch (to the extent i understand it):
> 1.  to override the default, i seem to need to define a function, and 
> assign that function to, e.g., sage.misc.viewer.dvi_viewer.  nicer (?) 
> might be to set some variable to '/sw/bin/xdvi'.

You shouldn't need to *define* a function, just *import* it. I don't think 
these functions will be used frequently enough to have the function 
imported automatically for all users, so you need to do

from sage.misc.viewer import viewer
viewer.browser('open -a /Applications/Firefox.app')

You can put these lines in a file "/home/username/.sage/init.sage" and they 
will be run every time you start Sage.

Running "viewer.browser(...)" (and the other similar functions) does in 
fact set an appropriate variable, and calling a function to set a parameter 
fits into Sage's way of doing things better than setting a variable, I 
think. But if you really want to, you can do

sage.misc.viewer._viewer_prefs['dvi_viewer'] = '/sw/bin/xdvi'


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