The VirtualBox guest additions are already installed in the VM that we are 
distributing, but they don't do clipboard integration on the console (only 
in X).

You can log in via ssh from the host machine, then you can use the hosts' 
terminal (which hopefully supports cut&paste):

ssh -p 2222 sage@localhost

that is, port=2222, username=sage, password=sage, hostname=localhost

On Monday, September 24, 2012 10:38:53 PM UTC+1, Ursula Whitcher wrote:
> Is there a way to force VirtualBox to allow cutting and pasting between 
> Windows and the console in the standard Sage installation?
> Here's the process I'm going through.
> First, I updated my version of VirtualBox, and updated the version of Sage 
> it's running to 5.1.
> I noticed that in this version, Sage opens in a Notebook view, and I am 
> able to cut and paste from a notebook to my progress notes.
> Then, I used the instructions at 
> to switch from a notebook view to the console view, and logged in as 
> "sage" with password "sage".
> The VirtualBox manual at 
> says that I need the "Guest Additions" package to copy and paste between 
> VirtualBox and windows in Windows.  It further tells me that I ought to be 
> able to install the "Guest Additions" by going to the Devices menu in the 
> window of VirtualBox that's running Sage, and choosing "Install Guest 
> Additions".  However, when I do this, I get an error message that begins 
> "Unable to mount the CD/DVD image".
> My goal here is to try out a couple of patches.  But I'm not sure I trust 
> myself to type the URLs by hand without error.

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