Solved, I have to run make to generate new *.js and *.css files.

Thanks for all the help. Robert

Dne neděle, 16. září 2012 15:24:52 UTC+2 napsal(a):
> I tried to locate the problem more accurately
> 1) In firebug I can see that javascripts and MathJax are loaded, but the 
> div sagecell remains empty
> 2) Upgrading to the last version from githup repository does not solve the 
> problem.
> 2) I added "alert" command to some parts of embeded_sagecell.js. It seems 
> that sagecell.sagecell_dependencies_callback is never called (the message 
> in this command never appears) and hence sagecell.dependencies_loaded never 
> becomes true.
> Robert
> Dne neděle, 16. září 2012 11:15:59 UTC+2 napsal(a):
>> Thanks, I edited the port in and ip address and sage 
>> executable. 
>> I have seen the message 
>> ERROR:root:Could not open static file 'jquery.min.js'
>> WARNING:root:404 GET /static/jquery.min.js ( 2.22ms
>> so in /data/sage-5.3/devel/sagecell/contrib/ipython-testing/static I did 
>> cp -r /data/sage-5.3/devel/sagecell/static/jquery* .
>> and this problem disappeared. But I have only the title of the window and 
>> no sage input. Any other idea?
>> Robert

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