On 2012-08-26, Geoffrey Irving <irv...@naml.us> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2012-08-25, Geoffrey Irving <geoffrey.irv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Geoffrey Irving <irv...@naml.us> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm implementing a code generator for simulation of simplicity (a way
>>>> to handle degeneracies in exact geometric computation).  This
>>>> involves constructing and analyzing polynomials over a number of
>>>> coordinate variables plus one special infinitesimal variable 'e'.
>>>> For example, here's the polynomial for a 2x2 determinant (e.g., for
>>>> checking triangle areas).  We add a different power of e to each
>>>> coordinate variable in an attempt to make sure our expressions are
>>>> never exactly zero:
>>>> sage: R.<a,b,c,d,e> =
>>>> PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(QQ,'a,b,c,d'),'e',sparse=True) sage: p
>>>> = (a+e**2**(0+1))*(d+e**2**(10+2))-(b+e**2**(10+1))*(c+e**2**(0+2));
>>>> p e^4098 + a*e^4096 - e^2052 - c*e^2048 - b*e^4 + d*e^2 - b*c + a*d
>>>> In order to avoid all degeneracies, this function must be nonzero in
>>>> the limit of small but nonzero e regardless of the values of the
>>>> other variables.  To check this, I need to know whether the system of
>>>> polynomial equations defined by the coefficients of the distinct
>>>> powers of e is solvable over the other variables.  What is the
>>>> easiest way to do that?  Specifically?
>>>> 1. How do I extract the coefficients of e as an ordered list?  I
>>>> thought p.coefficients() would do it since I constructed the
>>>> polynomial ring nested, but p.coefficients() treats the ring as
>>>> flattened.  Is that an artifact of the special assignment notation I
>>>> used to generate the ring?
>>> Yep, it works fine if I avoid the .< stuff.
>>>> 2. Once I get this list of polynomials, how I check whether it's
>>>> solvable over the reals?  Ideally it will be unsolvable, but for
>>>> debugging purposes I want to know some of the solutions if any do
>>>> exist.
>>> Actually, it may turn out that for all practical cases one of the
>>> coefficients of e is a nonzero constant, in which case a solve is
>>> entirely unnecessary.
>>> I would still like to know how to handle the all nonconstant case,
>>> though.
>> This is what semi-algebraic geometry is for. I don't think Sage
>> implements much of it.
>> How much do you know about the mathematics in question?
> Not much: I just looked up the relevant theorems now (Hilbert's
> Nullstellensatz and such).
>> There are basically two things one can do: one is to use a refinement of
>> the classical quantifier elimination over the reals approach, as
>> described in e.g.
>> http://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/bpr-ed2-posted1.html
>> (there is some Maxima and Singular code available that implements some
>> pieces of it...)
>> the other to use semidefinite programming based appoach, which boils down to
>> approximating nonnegative polynomials by sums of squares of polynomials:
>> http://books.google.com/books/about/Moments_Positive_Polynomials_and_Their_A.html?id=VY6imTsdIrEC&redir_esc=y
>> http://users.isy.liu.se/johanl/yalmip/pmwiki.php?n=Tutorials.MomentRelaxations
> In the cases I've tried so far one of my equations is always a unit,
> so unsolvability is trivial.  If I run across a more complicated case
> it is likely that unsolvability over C will be sufficient, so it looks
> like I'm unlikely to need the semi-algebraic case.

unsolvability over C can be dealt with by Groebner bases.
This is available in Sage.

> Geoffrey

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