On Friday, June 22, 2012 7:53:04 AM UTC-7, Dan Aldrich wrote:
> Trying to read in a .csv file into sagenb. 
> data = list(csv.reader(file('C:/Documents and Settings/Dan/My 
> Documents/Lab6.csv'))) 
> Then I thought about using a file dialog instead: 
> import csv 
> import tkFileDialog 
> filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() 
> csvfile  = open(filename, "rb") 
> But that didn't work either. Any suggestions? 

What didn't work? I used a command like

   data = list(csv.reader(open('/path/to/BP.csv', 'rb')))

and got a message "_csv.Error: new-line character seen in unquoted field - 
do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode?" (probably because 
of how I created the csv file), so then I tried

   data = list(csv.reader(open('/path/to/BP.csv', 'rU')))

which worked just fine.


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