On 5/18/12 1:19 PM, Benjamin Jones wrote:
When starting up the sage-5.0 notebook (with the new notebook from trac
#11080 and the sagecell-0.9.0 spkg installed) with
directory='/home/sageserver/sage_notebook.sagenb' pointing to a notebook
directory containing many existing user accounts and worksheets from a
previous sage-4.7.1 install, Sage crashes on me with:
"RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python
I've posted the traceback at
Has anyone else run into this problem?
If I start the notebook with
directory='/home/sageserver/sage_test.sagenb' (a non-existing directory)
everything works fine, but I obviously don't have all my previously
existing user accounts and worksheets.
I've seen this before, I think, a long time ago. Here is one reference
to it:
Is there any chance you could narrow down things a bit to diagnose it?
Maybe by inserting a little code in the save_worksheet function (in
that prints out the username and worksheet it is working on, to try to
narrow down which worksheet it is? From the traceback, it looks like
the problem is the comparison 'worksheet._last_basic != basic'.
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