I can reproduce this on my 10.6.8 macbook:

sage: int(2)
sage: int(2.75)

Program received signal EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION, Illegal instruction/operand.
0x0000000101723ed9 in case1 ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000101723ed9 in case1 ()
#1  0x0000000103e8bba4 in parsed_string_to_mpfr ()
#2  0x0000000103e8c7fb in mpfr_strtofr ()
Previous frame inner to this frame (gdb could not unwind past this frame)

Since this is the computer I actually use, I keep things in /usr/local
and /opt/local (including copies of gmp), so I tried moving those in
case it was picking up something it shouldn't, but no luck.


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