On 2012-05-14, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is now http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12947.  We've had 
> some issues with incomplete gamma functions translating properly in the 
> past, and/or errors in Maxima, but I didn't have time to either look into 
> that or whether there was another ticket open for this, apologies if there 
> is one - just wanted to make sure this was opened.

My first guess is that there is branch cut strangeness going on. Sorry,
I don't have any details. But if you want to investigate, try
integrate(x*cos(x^3), x, 0, u) and then differentiate w.r.t. u, as a
point of departure.


Robert Dodier

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