The tarball actually extracted to the directory sage-4.8 (in one of my vague
states I read from the installation instructions that uses the directory I
quoted); I am not compiling as root. I downloaded the source again, checked
the md5sum and am recompiling as I write this.  You may hear no further
faint cries for help.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Keshav Kini
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2012 7:26 AM
Subject: [sage-support] Re: I don't know how to handle this compilation

"Richard Bentley" <> writes:
> I'm new to this group, so I'm not sure if I reply directly to you (as I am
> doing now). Please inform me if I should post this reply on the forum.

Well, the standard is to reply to the whole list. But as you can see,
Google Groups is set up in such a way that when it actually sends mails
out to members, they are sent with the Reply-To header set to the email
address of the group, so while you thought you were replying directly to
me, you in fact replied to the whole list :)

>  The command that I used was simply the standard compile command "make"
> within the sage-x.y.z. directory.  As per the instructions, all proper
> packages were loaded (latex, etc.) and the EXPORT commands for the fortran
> compiler were made.

Hmm, OK, that's what I thought. Since you talked about compiling a
"package", I thought you might have tried to install the package
"extcode" manually into an already working copy of Sage - Sage has its
own mini packages called SPKGs (Sage Packages - creative, I know), and
extcode is one of them. I thought this was unlikely, though, because
extcode is one of the standard ones that is usually installed when you
make Sage as a whole in the first place.

So I was right, you are actually building Sage from scratch, not simply
compiling that one package.

> Upon reflection, I think the first thing I should do rather than waste
> somebody's time further is to download the .tar file again and do an
> on the tarball files, which I should have done in the first place.  Then
> when I recompile, if an error comes up, I'll be at least certain the
> original compressed files were not corrupted.  

Yes, I would recommend you do that as well. But I also notice something
interesting. You seem to be compiling in a directory called
/usr/local/sage/sage-x.y.z./ - that's a little strange. Where did that
directory come from? Where did you extract the tarball? There shouldn't
be any directory inside it literally called "sage-x.y.z" - the wording
in the installation guide is meant to imply that you will have a tarball
called sage-4.8.tar , and it will contain a directory called sage-4.8 .

Also, if you are trying to compile a copy of Sage directly in /usr/local
(a location not usually writable by non-root users), you must be running
as root, which is not recommended:

> In fact, it is inadvisable to build Sage as root, as the root account
> should only be used when absolutely necessary, as mis-typed commands
> can have serious consequences if you are logged in as root. There has
> been a bug reported in Sage which would have overwritten a system file
> had the user been logged in as root.

That's taken from the source installation documentation page. I suggest
that if you really want sage to be in /usr/local instead of, say, in
your homedir, that you instead create a user group called "sage" add
yourself to the group, and then do `sudo chgrp sage /usr/local/sage` and
`sudo chmod g+rwX /usr/local/sage`. Then you can run the compilation in
/usr/local/sage even using your normal user account.


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