On 4/27/12 10:15 AM, Jose Guzman wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I am trying to manipulate an expression that starts at a time =
"tonset". Everything works nice until I try to plot.

#define independent variable
sage: t = var('t')

# define parameters
sage: taum, tauh = var('taum, tauh')
sage: tonset=var('tonset')

# normalize the equation
sage: f(t) = -e^(-t/taum)*(1-e^(-t/tauh))
sage: Tmax = solve(diff(f(t),t)==0,t)[0].rhs()
sage: norm_f(t) = (f(t-tonset) / f(Tmax))

Right here, aren't you shifting the plot of f to the right by tonset? norm_f(t+tonset)=f((t+tonset)-tonset)/f(Tmax)=f(t)/f(Tmax), so that norm_f(0+3)=f(0)/f(Tmax)? I think that horizontal shift may be the problem?

So do you just want norm_f(t)=f(t)/f(Tmax)?



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