Hello. I would like to be able to do an implicit_plot, but only inside a 
particular region (much like is allowed with implicit_plot3d, with its region 
option). I seem to be having trouble using Sage's revision control system 
(which is why this patch is not in the standard form), but that is another 

I have attached the patch, which is really very simple. Let me know if there is 
anything else I can do to help get this functionality added (like maybe send 
this as an attachment, which I do not see an obvious way to do).

diff --git a/sage/plot/contour_plot.py b/sage/plot/contour_plot.py
--- a/sage/plot/contour_plot.py
+++ b/sage/plot/contour_plot.py
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 @suboptions('colorbar', orientation='vertical', format=None, spacing=None)
 @suboptions('label', fontsize=9, colors='blue', inline=None, inline_spacing=3, 
-@options(plot_points=100, fill=True, contours=None, linewidths=None, 
linestyles=None, labels=False, frame=True, axes=False, colorbar=False, 
+@options(plot_points=100, fill=True, contours=None, linewidths=None, 
linestyles=None, labels=False, frame=True, axes=False, colorbar=False, 
legend_label=None, region=None)
 def contour_plot(f, xrange, yrange, **options):
     ``contour_plot`` takes a function of two variables, `f(x,y)`
@@ -299,6 +299,11 @@
     - ``legend_label`` -- the label for this item in the legend
+    -  ``region`` - (default: None) If region is given, it must be a Python    
+       callable. Only segments of the surface where region(x,y) returns a      
+       number >0 will be included in the plot. (Note that returning a Python   
+       boolean is acceptable, since True == 1 and False == 0).
     Here we plot a simple function of two variables.  Note that
@@ -467,13 +472,29 @@
     from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
     from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
-    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f], [xrange, yrange], 
-    g = g[0]
+    region = options.pop('region')
+    ev = [f] if region is None else [f,region]
+    F, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(ev, [xrange, yrange], 
+    g = F[0]
     xrange,yrange=[r[:2] for r in ranges]
     xy_data_array = [[g(x, y) for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], 
                               for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], 
+    if region is not None:
+        import numpy
+        xy_data_array = numpy.ma.asarray(xy_data_array,dtype=float) 
+        m = F[1]
+        mask = numpy.asarray([[m(x, y)<=0 for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], 
+                                          for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], 
+        xy_data_array[mask] = numpy.ma.masked
     g = Graphics()
     g._set_extra_kwds(Graphics._extract_kwds_for_show(options, ignore=['xmin', 
     g.add_primitive(ContourPlot(xy_data_array, xrange, yrange, options))

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