    Thanks for the quick response.

> Can you change the wiki page?

I am assuming the "you" is me.  I've placed the text from 
http://aleph.sagemath.org/?q=ab695bc1-ca44-4a6e-9b13-ad662b018429 into the 
wiki page.  Copying from the wiki worked on alpha.sagemath.org but the 
permalink server is down.


On Monday, April 2, 2012 6:08:25 PM UTC-7, Jason Grout wrote:
> On 4/2/12 5:51 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
> > On 4/2/12 5:36 PM, Bruce Cohen wrote:
> >> I am trying to reproduce Jason's Gaussian Quadrature interact
> >>
> >
> > 
> Here's a better version, where Trapezoid sum works and the plot isn't so 
> narrow:
> http://aleph.sagemath.org/?q=ab695bc1-ca44-4a6e-9b13-ad662b018429
> Jason

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