On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Emil <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 March 2012 12:47, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If it is of interest to an academic community then it probably should be
>> part of Sage ;-)
> I'm not against it being incorporated into Sage at some point, but
> right now I'd rather keep it as a separate package that people can
> install, and import if they want to use it; but if they don't it will
> not pollute the name space.... (It contains classes with quite generic
> names like Problem and Construction.)
> From what I can tell, I can use Python distutils, and I can get the
> SAGE_ROOT from environment variables, so that I can set the
> include_dirs for the Cython compilation. Then I just give people a tar
> ball and tell them to run sage -python setup.py.

That would work fine, or even a pointer to a repository that then can
clone/contribute to.

> Does this sound a good strategy? Or would it be best to distribute an
> .spkg ? Can .spkg's install stuff into the site-packages directory
> outside the sage folder?

Spks would work fine. IIRC, the default is to run setup.py if there's
a setup.py in the sources (though note that all the code lives under a
scr directory, and one needs a couple of metadata files. They're just
bzipped tarballs, so the easiest way is to understand them unpack some
and take a look.

That being said, I would suggest contribute to the main library unless
there's a strong reason not to.

> Also, is there any documentation on sage -pkg?
> Emil
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