Jason and Dan,

Thank you for the info and suggestions.  It took a while, but we got
it running.

One thing that I'm experiencing seems odd.
I created an account,  logged in, made a worksheet.

When I save and quit the worksheet, I go back to my home page.
If I click sign out, nothing happens.  If I kill the browser window,
then open a new one and go back to the server, I get my home page
(without logging in).  If I quit firefox, then I do have to login.

But!  If I open a worksheet and don't quit it, then it seems to keep
running even
after I quit  firefox.  I restart firefox, relogin and there it is,
the worksheet still running.

This seems odd, is that how it should be?
Won't this lead to a lot of unused stuff being stored when people,
leave notebooks open?

Also shouldnt sign out send me back to the login page?
Is there a setting that needs to be ... set?


On Mar 6, 6:46 pm, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> On 3/6/12 2:53 PM, Mike OS wrote:
> > I'd like to set up a sage notebook server at my campus. Since this is
> > beyond my expertise, I asked the College IT specialists to handle it.
> > Of course, they are very concerned about vulnerabilities, so they
> > will only allow access from on campus.
> > We browsed some of the available information and most concerns Ubuntu
> > not OS X.  I received the following from Bill Morris, our IT guru.
> > Could anyone answer his questions and validate his understanding of
> > things? Also, please address the overarching issue, which I have
> > seen discussed quite a bit in recent posts: security in setting up a
> > server.
> > Thank you!
> > --------------------- I invested a couple of hours yesterday trying
> > to unwind the "setting up a sage server" question. I think the issues
> > are these:
> > 1. Sage's notebook server is built in to sage ... it is likely the
> > same sort of python based web server as is used in zope.
> I don't think it's the same as zope, but it is a python-based web
> server.  Sage uses the twisted web server [1].
> > 2. Coupling sage with apache is basically running apache with little
> > more than a proxy to port 8000, the port sage's notebook server runs
> > on.
> That's correct.  Well, it's really a "reverse proxy".
> > 3. The part of the "how-to" instructions that leave me coldest are
> > the "here is where we create the accounts sage1 ... sageN" on the
> > server and try our best to keep people from exploiting them. They
> > even go as far as talking about filesystem ACLs ... which tells me we
> > don't want to go anywhere near this.
> > So, my question to you, as someone who hopefully understands the
> > desired outcome better than I, is:
> > Does a sage notebook server require interactive logins? I'm
> > thinking, but am not quite sure, that the interactive logins are for
> > students to run sage from a command line, and as long as one creates
> > sufficient accounts in the notebook server itself (not accounts on
> > the host where the notebook server is hosted) the notebook server can
> > exist without interactive logins.
> When a user executes a worksheet on the Sage server, a sage session is
> started up on the server to execute their commands.  This sage session
> is basically giving them shell access on the server.  If you don't
> create something like the sageN accounts (i.e., if you don't use the
> server_pool option when starting up the notebook server), then this sage
> session is started up as the notebook user (i.e., the sageserver user,
> if you're following these instructions [1]).  This is bad, because it
> means that any notebook user can then delete the entire notebook data
> directory (because their worksheet commands have those user
> permissions).  So instead, we create restricted sage0 through sage9
> accounts (one account is all that is really necessary).  These
> restricted accounts are used for executing user code.  This provides
> privilege separation between the Sage notebook server, which maintains
> the list of worksheets and communicates with users, and the user code
> that is being run.
> Does that help?
> It would help to add clarifications to the instructions.  The page is a
> wiki page---feel free to edit it to clarify things, if you'd like!  Or
> let your IT person know that they are welcome to create a wiki account
> and edit it to make it more friendly to IT people.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> [1]http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/
> [2]http://wiki.sagemath.org/SageServer

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