Ashwin Ganesan:

I am forwarding your email to sage-support.

For info on isomorphism_to you can look at the section of the
Sage reference manual
or use the on-line help as in this example:

sage: G = CubeGroup()
sage: G.isomorphism_to?

If semidirect or wreath products are implemented directly, I am not
aware of it. (Of course, they are in GAP.) However, you can
use the commands search_def, search_doc, search_src to search for them to be sure.

- David Joyner

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: how to convert GAP group objects in SAGE notebook to SAGE group objects
Date:   Wed, 14 Mar 2012 19:27:18 +0530
From:   Ashwin Ganesan <>

Dear Joyner,

I am a faculty member at Amrita University, India.

I am learning SAGE, and I just now read parts of your article "Group
Theory in SAGE."  I have the following question on whether, when I am
using a SAGE notebook, I can convert a GAP object (a group, actually)
to a SAGE group object, and I would appreciate any help you can give.
More specifically, here is my question:

Within the SAGE notebook, I have two groups: G1_sagegroup, which is a
sage group object,and G2_gapgroup, which is a gap group object, and I
want to know if G1_sagegroup and G2_gapgroup are isomorphic groups.
One way is the following:

I convert G1_sagegroup to a gap object using the command:
sage:  G1_gapgroup =;

And then I use GAP's IsomorphismGroups command to compare two GAP group objects:
sage: gap.IsomorphismGroups(G1_gapgroup,G2_gapgroup);

This does work, but I would like to know if there is a way to convert
G2_gapgroup to a SAGE object G2_sagegroup so that I can use the SAGE
function isomorphism_to, as follows:
sage: G1_sagegroup.isomorphism_to(G2_sagegroup);

Another question I have is: does SAGE have built-in functions to
create semidirect products of groups and wreath products of groups?  I
would appreciate if you let me know (any pointers to the literature or
URLs would be just as great).

Thank you and I apologize for taking up your time.
Best regards,
Ashwin Ganesan

Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Amrita University, Coimbatore, India.

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