On 2/26/12 1:37 PM, Albert wrote:
Hi Sage-Team,
I have an idea, what might be useful for Sage. There is the command
submatrix, which gets a starting column and a starting row and the
number of columns and rows that you want to have for that submatrix
after the starting point. Wouldn't it be more useful, if you could
decide which rows and columns you want to have exactly (like it is
implemented for example in Maple). I mean for example:
A = matrix(QQ,[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
==> [1,3]
That means, you give a list for the columns and a list for the rows
you want to have in the submatrix. That takes away in certain
circumstances a lot more work from the user. And it is not very
complicated to implement.
Tell me what you think,
See http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/matrix/docs.html#indexing
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