On Feb 24, 2012, at 08:04 , Jacob Hicks wrote:

> When I run:
> sage: q = QuadraticForm(ZZ,2,[3,2,5])
> sage: q.polynomial()
> 6*x0^2 + 4*x0*x1 + 10*x1^2
> I would expect to get half of this result, which is the quadratic form
> as a polynomial.  The doc tests say this is what the behavior should
> be, but I don't understand why.  Is this actually the desired behavior
> and if so what am I misunderstanding?

You're in the middle of a centuries-old debate, stemming from the 
Lagrange-Gauss smackdown (or maybe it was Legendre; it's been a while).  The 
issue stems from the desire to equate quadratic forms and symmetric matrices 
("b*x0*x1" vs "b/2*x0*x1+b/2*x1*x0").  If you don't use the above, you end up 
having to deal with the ring ZZ[1/2].  This is discussed in the Wikipedia 
article on quadratic forms (and in other places, like Cassels' "Rational 
Quadratic Forms").



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
Nobody knows the trouble I've been

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