Hi Simon,

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 10:37:22PM -0800, Simon King wrote:
> That's to say: You don't simply want a function, but you want a
> morphism of modules over the base ring, isn't it?
Yes, this is what I wanted to say. And it should fulfill the Leibniz
rule on elements of the ring (the module is a ring in fact).

> Since you want an element of a homset in the category of modules over
> QQ, let's see first how to create the homset:
>   sage: H = P.Hom(P, category=Modules(QQ))
>   sage: H
>   Set of Morphisms from Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational
> Field to Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field in
> Category of vector spaces over Rational Field
> As you can see, P.Hom(...) (in contrast to P.hom) accepts an optional
> argument that allows for considering a super category.
> Do you know how to obtain the documentation? If not: Simply type
> P.Hom? and hit return. If you want to see the source code, type
> P.Hom?? and hit return.
Yes, I saw this. But I did not really know how to make use of it.

> I think a method P.der(images_of_generators) returning a derivation
> given by the images of generators would be useful. Of course, such
> method needs to return a derivation, which is a morphism. So, I am
> showing you how to define a morphism:
>   sage: from sage.categories.morphism import Morphism
>   sage: Morphism.__call__?
>           Apply this map to ``x``.
>           - To implement the call method in a subclass of Map,
> implement
>             :meth:`_call_` and possibly also :meth:`_call_with_args`
> and
>             :meth:`pushforward`.
>   ...
> So, that is an important information: Do NOT override __call__ (double
> underscore), but provide a single underscore _call_!
> Here is a toy implementation, namely for univariate polynomial rings
> only, and without the possibility to map the generator to anything but
> 1.
> sage: class Derivative(Morphism):
> ....:     def __init__(self, P, gen_images):
> ....:         if len(gen_images)!=1:
> ....:             raise ValueError
> ....:         B = P.base_ring()
> ....:         if P not in Modules(B):
> ....:             raise ValueError
> ....:         if gen_images[0]!=B.one_element():
> ....:             raise NotImplementedError
> ....:         Morphism.__init__(self,P.Hom(P, category=Modules(B)))
> ....:         # here, add stuff for
> ....:         # general derivations.
> ....:         # Store the generator images, e.g.
> ....:     def _call_(self, p):
> ....:         # this is just a toy example,
> ....:         # implement more fancy stuff here
> ....:         return derivative(p)
> ....:     def _repr_type(self):
> ....:         # This is to make the derivative print like a derivative
> ....:         return "Derivative"
> ....:
> sage: f = Derivative(P,[1])
> sage: f
> Derivative endomorphism of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over
> Rational Field
> # you may think of a nicer string representation - look at the source
> code
> # of other morphisms

Thank you for this example. This looks like what I was searching for,
at least like a first approximation.

I have a problem. After defining the class Derivation, I get an error
using it (a ValueError). The problem seems to be the following:

sage: P.<x> = QQ[]
sage: B = P.base_ring()
sage: P in Modules(B)
sage: Modules(B)
Category of vector spaces over Rational Field
sage: P
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field

I do not understand why "Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational
Field" is not in "Category of vector spaces over Rational Field". It
should be. Is not it?

Is there a way to visualize the inclusions of categories in sage? I
think I saw once a graph visualizing the inclusions. But I do not know
how to generate it or where to find it.

Best regards,

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