On Dec 1, 11:42 pm, Carel van Dam <carelv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mr. Widmann and Mr Braun,
> Thanks for your responses, sorry my reply has been slow. I'll try out your
> distro during the week Mr. Widmann, I ran out of cap last month :S. The
> Read Me I was referring to was both of the Read Me's on the Sage download
> site. I can't remember which one I'm afraid.
> As to the *.ovf, I got that by extracting the *.ova file, some old
> instructions I found on google told me to do that :S I'm now using the
> OVA's as supplied.
> In the *.ova, I had er... Sage 4.7.1, the problem still persists, some how
> the network settings were broken when I played around with the VM router
> File > Preferrences (Ctrl+G) > Network > Virtual Box Adapter (Select) >
> Edit (Space) > make changes applicable to your system.
> The network settings for the VM as per Mr. Braun's instructions are also to
> do with it.
> Since My last e-mail and your replies I got the 4.7.2 ova and the problem
> seems to have fixed itself I also installed  an Open SUSE VM to check I
> could get the network working with the VM and this seemed to work fine,
> both using NAT and the Bridged adaptor.
> Yesterday when I took the PC to another network, that broke the sage VM
> again. I fixed it this time by deleting the VM and re-importing, you loose
> your files that way but it atleast gets you running again. I believe the
> problem is with virtualbox and not the distribution, so thank you for your
> time spent helping me. I'll keep pocking around a bit, If I find anything
> that may be of use to some one who reads this mailing list then I'll reply
> here again, mostly because I've seen this question asked a few times on the
> web but it's seldomly replied to/solved.
> regards,
> Carel

Hello Mr. van Dam,

thank you for your detailed response. It is very helpful. The
developement of the virtual machine image - although the most popular
distribution of sage -
is still kind of a fringe topic in sage developement. To have more
people contributing, even if it is just short feedback about arising
problems, could make an considerable impact about the quality of this
product (and I explicitly include documentation/troubleshooting as one
of the most important things).

You are right that using virtualisation has its own tricks and
pitfalls. About your problem with the lost net connection: I am
shooting in the blue here, but it could be related to an existing MAC
adress of the VM and some settings in the /etc/udev folder.

Please read here:

If the network connectivity is lost I sometimes had success by just
going to the network section of the Virtual Box GUI and unselect and
reselect the adapter.

Sometimes there are other issues - the last days and I installed and
uninstalled VMs repeadetly. At one point - network was not working and
I had absolutely no clue why - I had to log into my router because the
dhcpd server had run out of possible new adresses and I had to
increase the available pool - I don't think this was the problem in
your case, just to show that there are some hard to find pitfalls.

To improve and ease the distribution of the sage VM I built an
integrated VirtualBox Sage VM installer the last days. To develope
this further I need some feedback and testers. I know this needs some
commitment of time and Bandwith but it is just a humble invitation to
help to make sage an easier experience for a lot of users.

I have announced this installer and the download link (650 MB) here:

kind regards

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