Hi all,

I'm new to this group; thanks for having me.

I have generated a large number of text files (several lots of 81
files) with the intention of reading them back into another sage
program (via the command line).  The text filenames were generated by
the line


so that the file names have a number of variables, and a typical file
is of form simdata_g18k1c2eps3.sage.  No problem this far.

The files are of a form that should be sage-readable, for instance one
line is
Lpeak = 0.00101546953017314

I now want to use these files to generate some further output, reading
them into a loop as follows:

def grid_plot(grid,gamma,kappa):
    for gridc in [0..8]:
        for grideps in [0..8]:
            load 'Dropbox/SAGE-outputs-5genes/gamma5kappa3/
            blah blah

I am hoping to extract and use values such as that of Lpeak above.

However while I am able to load a file for particular values of the
parameters *outside* the def statement (using exactly the same load
statement), I have been unable to make sage run through my files and
extract the values inside them.  The error I get is:

ValueError: argument (="'Dropbox/SAGE-outputs-5genes/gamma5kappa3/
simdata_g15k3c%seps%s.sage'%(cstr,epsstr)") to load or attach must
have extension py, pyx, sage, spyx, or m

Clearly the file does have a correct extension (.sage), as the same
command works fine outside the def statement.  So is there a problem
loading files generically inside a function definition?  Is there some
other way around this?


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