On Jun 20, 11:49 am, Kirill Vankov <kirill.van...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Once I moved the compiled sage into /usr/local/ I cannot install
> additional R-packages anymore.  Have to move it back.

You shouldn't have to move it anywhere; Sage doesn't have to live
anyplace in particular.  Is it only after you move it that you
encounter problems?    Maybe you have permission issues there?

At any rate, I install new packages fairly frequently in R on my Mac,
so it's important to clarify exactly what makes this break when you
compile Sage from source.  Thanks for any additional details you can

> It is better to instruct whoever is going to compile sage on Mac to do
> so at the final destination folder.

No, because there is no such folder by default - I doubt that many Mac
users would even know what /usr/local is, for instance.
Unfortunately, we will have to actually fix this hardcoding, which is
often a very subtle and difficult thing to track down :(

- kcrisman

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