> time[0].right().n()
> Not sure why time.rhs() doesn't work...

That I can explain.  time is a list (well, technically a Sequence) of
equations, and so you'd need to type "time[0].rhs()".  The individual
equations have right hand sides, but the list itself doesn't.

FWIW, I prefer using dicts rather than equations as the return type:

sage: var("A k c")
(A, k, c)
sage: phi(t) = A*exp(k*c*t)
sage: s = solve(phi==1,t,solution_dict=True)
sage: s
[{t: log(1/A)/(c*k)}]
sage: s[0][t]

which handles the cases with more than one variable a little easier, I
think, but YMMV.


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