On May 12, 8:39 pm, Fredrik Johansson <fredrik.johans...@gmail.com>
> On May 12, 11:19 pm, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This should, in theory, give a plot of li(20^z) along the critical
> > line of the Riemann zeta function.  Unfortunately, as you will see if
> > you plot this, it succeeds until it hits a branch cut (I assume), and
> > does not look so nice, not to mention missing the actual interesting
> > behavior.
> You probably want ei(log(20)*z), not li(20^z).

Bingo!     Looks so beautiful.   Thank you very much.

Wikipedia says as much, of course, but just the equivalence.    Is
there an easy explanation for why one seems to have this branch
phenomenon and the other doesn't?

- kcrisman

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