> I'm not turning off warnings in numpy, though, since we use it under the hood 
> only
> here.

I'm confused.  I was going to recommend numpy.seterr(all='ignore')
before I read this, maybe wrapping plot to restore the original state
after the call..  but now I'm not sure what kind of solution you want.

In this case, the problem is being caused by the default parameters in
plot_slope_field.  If you override headlength=0 with some small
number, there's no problem.  IOW,


works for me.  FYI, it's the following few lines in Quiver._h_arrows at fault:

        minsh = self.minshaft * self.headlength
        shrink = length/minsh
        X0 = shrink * X0[np.newaxis,:]
        Y0 = shrink * Y0[np.newaxis,:]

Probably we should change the defaults and/or (if it's not done
already) ask our matplotlib friends to special-case 0 for no

Does that help?


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