On Monday, April 4, 2011 3:00:20 PM UTC-7, pong wrote:
> By that I simply mean a function that on input a real matrix M returns 
> the matrix N such that n[i][j] = abs(m[i][j]). 
> This can be achieve by something like: 
> n = len(M.rows()); m =len(M.columns()); N = matrix(n,m,lambda i,j: 
> abs(M[i][j])); 
> However, for a square matrix M, M.abs() returns something which wasn't 
> what one expected: 
> B = matrix(2,2,lambda i,j: i-j); B; B.abs() 
> returns 
> [ 0 -1] 
> [ 1  0] 
> and 1 
> Is it a bug? Or something that I missed? 

For matrices, B.abs() returns the determinant.  If you type "B.abs?", you'll 
see a message like

       Return the absolute value of self.  (This just calls the __abs__
       method, so it is equivalent to the abs() built-in function.)

Then if you type "B.__abs__?", you'll see
       Synonym for self.determinant(...).


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