On Apr 2, 10:19 am, Hemanth G <ghem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Mr.Vasudev and Dr.Schilly,

Harald, you already got your PhD?  ;-)

> Any advise for me in view of the installation. I am trying to install the 64
> bit sage on 64 bit Ubuntu.
> Still I am not successful in installing the sage.Please view the screen shot
> of the error message.
> I have been trying this over a week but still not succeeding in installing.

Dear Hemanth,

I think that your best bet is probably to build from source.  On a
reasonably modern computer this should take between 2 and 6 hours,
hopefully toward the low end.    You simply download the tarball from
http://www.sagemath.org/download-source.html, unpack it, go into the
directory, and type "make".  (If you have more than one core in your
processor, there are some things you can do to make that go faster as

Good luck!  I wish I knew what the problem with the binaries was.

- kcrisman

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