Hi Robert,

On 1 Mrz., 01:00, Robert Goss <goss.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have 2 ideals over the complex field and I would like to take their
> intersection. If I try and use the intersection method on one of the
> ideals i get an error message from singular stating the following type
> error:
> TypeError: Cannot call Singular function 'intersect' with ring
> parameter of type '<class
> 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring.MPolynomialRing_polydict_domain'>'

Sage uses a C-library version of Singular to do intersection
(libSingular), but...

> This was generated by the code:
> R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(CC, 2)

... unfortunately it does not use libSingular for rings with complex

  sage: type(R)
  sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular import
  sage: R.<x,y> = MPolynomialRing_libsingular(CC,2)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  NotImplementedError: Base ring is not supported.

> Am I doing something wrong? Would anyone suggest a better way of doing
> this computation?

I think you did nothing wrong -- it should work the way you did it.

Here is a work around:
  sage: R.<x,y> = CC[]
  sage: I = x*R
  sage: J = y*R
  sage: singular(I).intersect(J)

That uses another Singular interface (not a C-library). The result
lives there, so, you need to pull it back into your ring R:
  sage: parent(singular(I).intersect(J))
  sage: R*list(singular(I).intersect(J))
  Ideal (x*y) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Complex
Field with 53 bits of precision

The second best solution is to work with a base ring that is supported
by libSingular:

  sage: R.<x,y> = ZZ[]
  sage: I = x*R
  sage: J = y*R
  sage: I.intersection(J)
  Ideal (-x*y) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Integer
  sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
  sage: I = x*R
  sage: J = y*R
  sage: I.intersection(J)
  Ideal (x*y) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational

Of course, the best solution would be to wrap Singular's complex
coefficients in libSingular. Is there a trac ticket for it?

Kind regards,

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