On Feb 18, 4:55 am, Dmitry Shkirmanov <piminusme...@bk.ru> wrote:
> I asked Sage to solve the system of the equations:
> #
> var("pasquare,pbsquare,costhetasquare,Ea,Eb,ma,mb,mc")
> assume(Ea>ma)
> solution=solve([pasquare*pbsquare*costhetasquare==((-ma^2-mb^2+mc^2)/2
> + Ea*Eb)^2, pasquare==Ea^2-ma^2, pbsquare==Eb^2-
> mb^2],pasquare,pbsquare,Eb)
> #
> But there is the factor sqrt(ma-Ea) in the answer, this factor does
> not have sense in case of Ea>ma.
> So, assume() does not work with  solve().
> Is there any way to use assumptions with solve() command?

After you get the output of the solve(), you can simplify() it to send
it back to Maxima, and that might work to get the assumptions

Unfortunately, Maxima does not incorporate its assumptions into its
solve routines - and this is documented by Maxima, as intentional, to
keep them separate.

- kcrisman

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