
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:41 PM,  <xl...@free.fr> wrote:
> sage: sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)
> sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)
> sage: sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)-sqrt(6)
> sqrt(2)*sqrt(3)-sqrt(6)
> I would expect results sqrt(6) and 0...

In the above Sage session, you declared two symbolic expressions. So
it is possible to use methods defined on symbolic expressions other
than simplify(). In the present case, you want to use the
simplify_radical() method to simplify radicals:

sage: E = sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) - sqrt(6); E
sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) - sqrt(6)
sage: type(E)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: E.simplify_radical()

> I try with the command simplify() but it doesn't do anything.

For more methods defined on symbolic expressions, do

sage: E.

and press the Tab key. That should allow you to view a list of methods
you could use on the symbolic expression E.

Minh Van Nguyen

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