Hi list,

I'm looking for a simple way to solve some linear equations. I found the
solution mentioned in the manpage for solve, but thats not what I'm
looking for.
My setting is the following:
I have a Matrix M and from which I need the first row.
r = M.row(0).transpose()
and i need a vector of variables
v = vector([v1,....,vn]) (of known dimenension in every case, but the
dimension is not the same all the time)

now I need to get the following equatoin solved:
v * r = 1

but the type of v * r == 1 is boolean, so it could not be handled by
using solve any more.
father more, I'd prefer to have just one vectorsolution instead of using
 v =  vecvtor([var("v" + str(i)) for i in range(dimension)])

is there anyway to handle this in a nicer way?

greatz Johannes

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