I want to translate the following code from magma to SAGE
KK<ep> := CyclotomicField(21);
ze := ep^3;
RR<x,y,z> := PolynomialRing(KK,3);
PP := Proj(RR);
F := z*x^3+x*y^3+y*z^3;
H := 1/2*Determinant(1/3*Matrix(3,3,
 [Derivative(Derivative(F,RR.i),RR.j) : i in [1..3], j in [1..3]]));
Flex := Points(Scheme(PP,[F,H]));
so far i have got
K<ep> = CyclotomicField(21);
ze = ep^3;
R.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(K,3);
P = ProjectiveSpace(R);
f = z*x^3+x*y^3+y*z^3;
H = f.diff(2)
Flex = Points(Scheme(P,[f,H]));
print Flex

its mainly the 3rd and 2nd to last lines im not so sure on
(3rd from bottom line should produce a 3*3 hessian matrix and the 2nd
from bottom should produce the flex points of the klein quartic curve)
combining this with the 3 and 7 symmetries should give a group of size

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