I just downloaded Sage 4.5.3-OSX10.4-intel-i386-Darwin and set out to

install it on:

Hardware: MacBook Pro 5.1, Core2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB.

Software:   OS X 10.6.4   64-bit

Following instructions in the file   sage-README-osx.txt  ,  items 1), 2),
and 3)

proceed faultlessly.

But Item 4)  is gobbledegook:

4) Select to run it with "Terminal":

     Choose Applications, then select "All Applications" in the

     "Enable:" drop down.  Change the "Applications" drop down

     to "Utilities".  On the left, scroll and select "Terminal".


I have a directory named ‘Applications’, which includes both a  directory

which includes Sage, and a directory ‘Utilities’ which  includes

I can either drag  Sage  over to Terminal, or open Terminal and indulge in

appropriate but undisclosed mumbo-jumbo.

‘All Applications’ and ‘Enable’ are not options in my world.


So I open the Sage folder and drag the  sage  application--marked by a Unix

icon--over to the Terminal icon in another Finder window.  Terminal opens,

and then in polychrome text tells me:

Last login: Wed Oct 20 18:05:45 on ttys000

lns-bzn-59-82-252-179-30:~ ferrenmacintyre$ /Applications/\#Crunch/sage/sage
; exit;


| Sage Version 4.5.3, Release Date: 2010-09-04                       |

| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |


Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write it.


OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)

/Applications/#Crunch/sage/local/bin/<string> in <module>()

in <module>()



----> 8 import sage.misc.interpreter


     10 import preparser

in <module>()


    101 import os

--> 102 import log


    104 import remote_file

in <module>()


     64 import interpreter

---> 65 import latex

     66 import misc


in <module>()

     38 import random


---> 40 from misc import tmp_dir, graphics_filename

     41 import sage_eval

     42 from sage.misc.misc import SAGE_DOC

in <module>()

    102     print "Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can
read and write it."

    103     # Change mode of DOT_SAGE.

--> 104     os.chmod(DOT_SAGE, _desired_mode)



OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/Users/ferrenmacintyre/.sage/'

WARNING: Failure executing code: 'import sage.misc.preparser_ipython;

Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write it.


OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)

in force_import(modname)

     64         reload(sys.modules[modname])

     65     else:

---> 66         __import__(modname)



/Applications/#Crunch/sage/local/bin/ipy_profile_sage.py in <module>()

      1 import os

      2 if 'SAGE_CLEAN' not in os.environ:

----> 3     import sage.misc.misc

      4     from sage.misc.interpreter import preparser, _ip

      5     preparser(True)

in <module>()

    102     print "Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can
read and write it."

    103     # Change mode of DOT_SAGE.

--> 104     os.chmod(DOT_SAGE, _desired_mode)



OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/Users/ferrenmacintyre/.sage/'

Error importing ipy_profile_sage - perhaps you should run %upgrade?

WARNING: Loading of ipy_profile_sage failed.

<ERROR: name 'sage_prompt' is not defined>


This looks as though it needed permission repair of .sage.  I went looking
for .sage , and discovered that the sage folder contains some 20,000 files.
Spotlight and EasyFind fail to locate a .sage item. The last time I did a
blanket chmod on anything approaching the size of sage, allowing read/write
privileges to everything therein, my MacBook had to spent a week in the next
county in the hands of the local Mac guru, so I am reluctant to try this

Searching for DOT_SAGE opens a webpage in Safari, my default browser, and
turns out to be part of Sage Reference 4.5.3, sort of an html version of man
pages (?), but in any case, not something that I seem to be able to or want
to change permissions on.

For better or worse, I resolutely avoided Unix, FORTRAN, C, and
TRSDOS/MSDOS/Windows at all possible opportunities, beginning in 1960, 1963,
1972, and 1978 respectively, doing all serious number crunching in Forth
(world CO2 models, Mie equations, population biology, whatever) when I
could, so I approach Sage and Terminal with trepidation and
unfamiliarity--but impressed by the sheer inclusivity of Sage!

Can you tell from the above messages what isn't going right?

-- Ferren
(Dr) Ferren MacIntyre   1 Chemin des Echarts
Campagne sur Aude     11260 France
42.91500N, 2.20900E
OSX 10.6.4  MacBook Pro 5,1
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB

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