
On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:07 PM, j wade <wade.jer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to use PyWavelets (http://www.pybytes.com/pywavelets/) in
> Sage.
> I am running Sage 4.3.4 on Ubuntu 9.10.
> I have installed python-pywt using Synaptic File Manager, but I am not
> sure what to do beyond this.  I have refreshed the libraries, and
> tried
> import scipy
> from scipy import pywt
> and
> import scipy
> import pywt
> but neither command recognizes pywt.

The above steps failed because by default Sage doesn't recognize
Python packages that you have installed system-wide. That is, the
package manager Synaptic installs packages system-wide, whereas the
packages (including Python ones) in Sage are installed specifically
under the SAGE_ROOT top-level directory. So when you issued

import pywt

from within a Sage session, Sage couldn't find pywt because PyWavelets
was not installed under a place where Sage would by default recognize.

> If someone out there is using pywavelets with Sage, I'd appreciate it
> if you could let me know how you were able to get it to work.

Here are the steps that should allow you to install and use PyWavelets
from within Sage.

(1) Download a source release of PyWavelets from
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyWavelets/. I downloaded
PyWavelets-0.2.0.tar.bz2 and uncompressed it.

(2) Get the absolute path to your local Sage installation. In my case, it's


(3) Navigate to the top-level directory of the uncompressed PyWavelets
package and install it:

$ cd /path/to/PyWavelets-0.2.0/
$ /dev/shm/mvngu/sage-4.5.3/sage -python setup.py install
<installation messages>

(4) Load Sage and start using PyWavelets:

$ /dev/shm/mvngu/sage-4.5.3/sage
| Sage Version 4.5.3, Release Date: 2010-09-04                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: import pywt
sage: pywt.families()
['haar', 'db', 'sym', 'coif', 'bior', 'rbio', 'dmey']
sage: w = pywt.Wavelet('db3')
sage: print w
Wavelet db3
  Family name:    Daubechies
  Short name:     db
  Filters length: 6
  Orthogonal:     True
  Biorthogonal:   True
  Symmetry:       asymmetric

Minh Van Nguyen

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