On 09/16/10 09:10 PM, Greg Marks wrote:
Out of curiosity...

At http://sagemath.org/tour-benchmarks.html the CPU time
given for factorization of the integer  2^512 - 1  with SAGE
version 4.1.1 is 92.29 sec.  I just tried this with SAGE
version 4.5.2, running under 64-bit Linux on a laptop with
an Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 CPU @ 2.40 GHz and 2.9 GiB RAM,
and the same calculation required only 31.39 sec. CPU time.
(The same factorization, on the same computer, using Maple 14
required 185.43 sec., incidentally.  I don't have a recent
version of Mathematica to compare.)

On Mathematica 7, Solaris x86 on a quad core 3.33 GHz Intel Xeon W3580.

I note Mathematica does not use many cores for this (I assume single threaded). I would have thought this is the sort of thing that could have been improved with a parallel algorithm, or perhaps for non-trivial factorisations thats not so. But I would have thought it was.

In[3]:= Timing[ FactorInteger[2^512-1]]

Out[3]= {151.054, {{3, 1}, {5, 1}, {17, 1}, {257, 1}, {641, 1}, {65537, 1},

>     {274177, 1}, {6700417, 1}, {67280421310721, 1}, {1238926361552897, 1},

>     {59649589127497217, 1}, {5704689200685129054721, 1},

>     {93461639715357977769163558199606896584051237541638188580280321, 1}}}

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