On Sep 8, 2:57 am, Cary Cherng <cche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not familiar with algebraic geometry or its terminology and new
> to sage.
> p_1,...p_n and q are elements of Z[x_1,...,x_n]. In my context I have
> some evidence that q can be written as something like q = p_1*p_2
> + ... + p_5*p_6. In other words q is a degree 2 polynomial in the
> p_i's. Can Sage find out if q can be written in terms of the p_i's?

Is this the question you are asking?

Let p_1,...,p_r and q be elements of Z[x_1,...,x_n]. How does one (use
Sage to) determine if q is in the subring generated by the p's (and to
represent q in terms of the p's, if this is possible)?

One can solve instances of this kind of problem with Groebner-basis
calculations. For any cases that are not tiny, however, these
calculations may not be feasible. (One could then try the linear-
algebra techniques already discussed.) I am not certain if Sage (via
Singular) is currently equipped to handle cases with Z coefficients,
but here is how things would look, if one were using Q coefficients:

I will show the case where n = r = 2 with p_1 = x_1*x_2, p_2 =
x_1+x_2, and q = x_1^2 + x_2^2.

sage: R.<x1, x2, p1, p2> = PolynomialRing(QQ, 4, order = 'lex')
sage: q = x1^2 + x2^2
sage: I = R.ideal(p1 - x1*x2, p2 - (x1 + x2))
sage: q.reduce(I)
-2*p1 + p2^2

It is important to note that when one sets up the polynomial ring, the
variables to be eliminated (x1 and x2) come before the variables
representing the p's (p1 and p2). In order to get the Groebner-basis
algorithm to solve the problem, one must order the variables this way
and include the "order = 'lex'" bit in the definition of the
polynomial ring. When one uses these orders, one finds that if q were
not in the subring generated by the p's, the output after
"q.reduce(I)" would still have some x's in it.


James Parson

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