On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 at 04:55AM -0700, Sony wrote:
> Thank you very much for all the advice.  I really appreciate it.  I
> keep one copy of sagetex.sty in my /users/sony/library/texmf/tex/
> latex.  This works beautifully and I do not have to move a copy of a
> sagetex.sty to all my working directories.  However, I found out that
> there is a new sagetex.sty came with the latest sage installation.  I
> now moved a copy of the latest sagetex.sty in to the said folder.  I
> am hoping that this is enough.  Thanks again.

That's a very good way to use SageTeX. Jason's trick with using symlinks
is also a good idea (I do the same thing).


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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